
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I don't care what you believe and which side of the whole Iraq debate you come down upon.

What I CAN say for certain is that if you, for any reason on earth, vandalize the Capitol building that belongs to all of us, you are a trashy, vile piece of shit and deserve a serious beating.

Thanks for removing all doubt, morons.


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Amen sista!


    "you are tagged" for 6 weird things about yourself. Now I am thinking you more than 6 ;)

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Treason, is what I would call it.

  3. BASTARDS!!!! Those are the people that need to be sent to Iraq... without ammo! ;P

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I've met those people at an anti-war rally in Houston. I had the pleasure of asking one of them if he knew what anarchy was.

    He pointed at the crowd of protesters and said, "this is."

    I pointed at the cops surrounding them and said, "no it isn't."

    I tried to explain that anarchy would actually mean my complete dominance of him because I was smarter, and better looking, but his eyes were blank. He was the picture of a useful idiot.

  5. Bit of an 'own goal' for the peacenicks then?

  6. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I say let the perpetrators clean it up...with their tongues and plenty of paint stripper.


  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Just more assholes that didn't get enough love when they were growing up. You know, the kind that got your ass busted when you screwed up? The kind that made you aware that other people are worth as much to them as you are to you? The kind that enabled you to state a difference of opinion without destroying anything? And in my case, the kind that taught me to say yes ma'am, no ma'am, thank you ma'am, please!

  8. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Adolescent self defeating assholes, with no concept of what their antics do to the general publics perception of their cause. Children acting out, trashing things that belong to other people, valuing nothing because they own nothing. I'm incapable of taking their smelly dreadlocked asses seriously about anything. Having said all that, free political expression and all. If you can burn a flag you can spray-paint the capital steps. Ultimately, it's just a building. Yea, I know, but that's kinda what the thing is for.

  9. kim - I'll get to that
    mushy - It's definitely shitty, and no doubt about it!
    lyllia - I'd be ok with that
    zelda - I would have paid to see that!
    g bro - ah, sweetness and light!
    tickersoid - most definitely - self-defeating!
    rabbit that sounds a sensible solution!
    myron - totally!

    fathairybastard - Exactly! Jerks. I agree, an object is just an object - it's just that it's assinine and yes, self-defeating.
