
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fat Cat - Beautiful in any language!

Now the person who posted this on youtube called it "fat cat in China" but I'd bet a lung this is Japanese. I kept hearing "nekko" which I think is Japanese for "cat" and I heard "deska" which I think means "already," but I could be wrong. Anyway - I think it's so adorable that someone has come up with a manageable cat-- just keep them too fat to move. I love when the guy tucks it in for a nap! Now if only they can invent an immobile, manageable cat that is dander-free.


  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    It is Japanese. Ikaga deska is Japanese for "How are things?" like "How's it going?" The Japanese end any question with the addition "ka". My Japanese is rusty.

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I'm thinkin yer right. Japanese. Dated a girl once who had a cat like that. fed the thing 24/7. Thing is, she was about as big herself. Nether one could take "no" for an answer or push themself away from a buffet.

  3. Anonymous10:31 PM

    CCTV- in the upper left hand corner- China Central Television. Japanese talk show people talking about a film clip from China?

  4. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Well, there you go.

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Japanese "news" show, Chinese cat. Cats this size are often spotted in Kiwiland, too.
