
Monday, December 04, 2006

And now, for something dead-serious:

This post
over at Tam's View from the Porch should be required reading. It'll just take a minute, but it points out something so fundamental that I wonder how anyone can be conflicted over the issue.


  1. That is absolutely horrible.

    I'm getting ready to go to class this morning, and this just reminds me of how fortunate I am.

  2. Great post. She really nails it. I left a comment.

  3. zelda - totally - no one hits 'em out of the park as soundly as Tam - she's my hero!

  4. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Already left my comment before you posted. Look for my blog on this same subject in the next few days.

  5. Sad part is that some moron, somewhere will figure out a way to justify crap like that. Fortunately for us, there are younger versions of me still in uniform.

  6. dick's got it right. There are too many eqiuvocators and enablers making excuses for these monsters. You know, "but they're a minority" or "they don't represent the average Muslam", etc. Well, a few per cent of 2 or 3 million mooselimbs is still a hell of a lot of evil bastards.

  7. hollyb - I'lllook forward to it

    dick - God bless you and all the younger versions of you in uniform, Dick. What I don't get is it's so anti-Darwinian - for at least the most evolved among us, a man would choose a woman who would beget smart kids rather than keeping the women stupid and having no way to gauge if half your future kids' DNA won't have sense not to stand on their heads in monsoon season. Dipshits.

    myron - Exactly. I'm bored with the excuse-making.

  8. Just wanted to say you have been doing some serious blogging while I was away...enjoyed it, drawings, a little airing of the soul, everything that keeps me coming back!

  9. mushy - you're always welcome here. I'm glad you enjoy the occasional sidetrip through my demented psyche.
