
Friday, October 06, 2006 here's the story about my Dad I promised.

I was talking on the phone to Dad Wednesday night and he said "did you hear about me finding the baby?"

I was incredulous, sorta waiting for the punchline, but it turns out, he really did find a baby. Here's what happened:

Sunday night, Dad went to bed but couldn't sleep, so he got up and did the bills and paperwork for a while, getting everything in order and stamped and addressed and ready to mail in the morning. At that point, he was still wired and didn't feel like sleeping, restless.

So sometime after midnight, he gathered up the outgoing mail and drove to town to the post office. He was about to pull out of the Fina station in his pickup truck when he saw the flash of something white low to the ground heading for the front of his truck and the roadway beyond. He thought this might be a little dog or a piece of paper blowing about. He craned his neck down and took a closer look, and the white was a diaper on a little black baby boy, maybe about 2 years old.

Dad put the car in park and opened up the door and said "hey buddy, where're you going?" and the little kid came right to him jabbering baby talk, arms outstretched, happy to see him. Apparently he had gone out for an adventure on his own for the night. Dad asked him where he lived and he pointed off to a neighborhood nearby.

Dad said "let's go find your mama" and he said "ok." Dad picked him up and put him on the seat of the truck and called the police. He said the kid had a little stuffed bear in one hand and a blue bottle of Elmer's glue in the other, sucking on it like it was a baby bottle. He was clean as a whistle and well-fed, just wearing the diaper and a smile (like I like my men!) and delighted to hang out with my dad.

Apparently a bunch of police arrived at the gas station and a female officer took over doting on the baby, and Dad answered a battery of questions, hopeful to help the little guy find his way home.

Dad called the police station the next day to see if the little man made it home alright, and the lady at the station looked up the file. She said it was one of the strangest police reports she'd ever seen, and that it was miraculous that he'd found that baby, because he could have been picked up by ne'er-do-wells or attacked by dogs (oh yeah, we do have coyotes around that part of Dallas County, too). I suppose they wrote in the report what Dad was doing out that time of night, and she told him "well, you were meant to be awake and go out and find him. you probably saved his life."


Dad said that saving that little fellow from possible harm was the highlight of his week. One neat thing about Dad is that he'd never do something like that with the hope of recognition or praise or glory.

That little boy will grow up and maybe be a linebacker or a dentist or an engineer, and he'll probably never remember or even hear about the time some complete stranger took the time to make sure he was out of harm's way in the middle of the night. But Dad will know and will treasure that thought always, and that's all the satisfaction he requires.

That's my Pop!


  1. That's awsome. What an amazing story. Very cool.

  2. It's sure great to hear a "missing kid" story with an outcome like this. And I like what the lady cop told your dad. I'm sure the parents are grateful, even if your dad never hears from them.

  3. Ditto...that is awesome and your pop is a great guy.

    Did he ever find out how the little fellow got out of his house?

  4. That is fantastic. Gave me goosebumps. Your dad sounds just like mine.

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Fantastic story!
    Great Dad! Thank God he was there!
    Everything Happens 4 a Reason!

  6. fathairybastard - I thought so, too! It was great to hear how delighted my dad was to have been of help - I could tell it really buoyed his spirit.

    myron - I'm sure they are grateful - it's amazing how crafty little kids can be when it comes to mischief. Of course, they are totally innocent and just very very curious. What amazes me is his description of how relaxed and unconcerned the boy was throughout the ordeal - that he was just on a grand adventure.

    mushy - Yeah, my Dad is a great guy. I don't think the police report said, but I'll ask Dad later on.

    amy - Well, I'm happy for any one else who won the lottery and got a great Dad like mine. Good for you!

    starbender - Thanks! Glad you share my enthusiasm for this story!

  7. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  8. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Yay. Chalk one up for the good guys.

  9. I love your daddy!

    BTW, I keep getting codes with FU in them. Trying to tell me something?

  10. Fate/God/Luck, whatever -- he sure do work in mysterious ways.

  11. That tale made my day. Please thank your dad from all of us who are happy that there is still decency and compassion in the world.

  12. That is crazy! Wow...

    I have thought about "what if..." one of our babies ever slipped out the door. It is a horrible scary thought.

    A while back, I put those child proof things on our doorknobs...

  13. THat's a great story. I'm still wondering how the kid got out there by himself that late at night, but I'm so glad that someone nice like your dad found him.
