
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Isn't amazing what cute fuzzy little noodles E. Coli look like? Never judge a book by the cover, though, because these be some bad little hombres.

My theory is that we're only going to see more outbreaks like this, thanks in large part to low-flow toilets. That's right - those toilets that use an explosive force to push product through the terlit at high velocity seem to have the effect of atomizing poo, and my theory is people are going to have e. coli infections in lots of ungodly places because of this, like the nose or the eyeball. Then again, I'm no expert. Just my opinion.

Now, don't you love how I go from talking about Chanel sunglasses one day to e. coli infections in the nose the next? You'd better read fast, because I'm a short attention span blogger. Cheers!


  1. I used to grow that stuff in the lab back about ten years ago. Let me tell you, it smells literally like shit.

    Did you also know that you can get chlamydia and gonhorrea infections in your eye? How disgusting is that???

  2. I have to wipe my eyes out now after Kelly's comment. Lmao!

  3. It's okay. I've gone from shit to transcendentalism.


  4. nongirlfriend - hotdogs from hell!

    kelly - or maybe shit smells like E. coli?

    dick - i knew you'd be along for the ride on this one

    zelda - just be sure to remember that there is no petri dish

  5. Atomized poo? Atomized poo?
    You see - the Ad industry is just waiting for you, Phelgmy. They NEED you. Sure, they've got lots of cheesy sneaky evil ideas of their own...but atomized poo? They don't have that.
    Why hate those little cuties in the picture when you could sell them and become fabulously rich?

  6. I think they look like mutant, dry macaroni. The sort of stuff we used for elementary school art projects. Remember those?

  7. You know, those things have cursed me ever since they've become the norm (I always overflow them). I knew it would come back to bite us in the ass, I just dind't know how.

  8. Toliets huh? wow never thought about that.

  9. photo-effe - I confess I didn't take that one - I nabbed it somewhere, but it is really cool. I shoulda made some smiley faces on them, shouldn't I?

    lj - at last have I found my higher calling. Eureka! True, the E. Coli need to pay me stupendous amounts of money to improve their image in the marketplace.

    hollyb - yeah, they do look macaroniesque. Yup, just like that, only without the hole in the middle.

    becky - I HATE low-flow toilets - if you have to flush it 4 times for it to do the work of on of the old "man-handlers" then how is that saving water? I don't get the reasoning. Plus there's the atomized poo. Ew.

  10. Here's the rub. When the in-laws first arrived, they ensconced themselves in the bathroom, putting out their toiletries and sundry items, to wit, their toothbrushes. I had a basked for the TP, and they took over the basket for their toothbrushes. I don't have a problem with that, I *do* have a problem with the location of the basket. They INSIST on keeping it on the vanity, furthest right, closest to the toilet. For the first two weeks, I'd move it to the center, between our two sinks, and they would move it back. Finally after two weeks of this virtual shell game, I left the basket where it is today.

    I don't have the heart to tell them WHY I had been moving it.

    Me? I keep MY brush in a closed drawer.

  11. nuggetmaven - You know, some people just won't be helped. *LOL* I told my mom this story, about the toofbrush basket, and we laughed and laughed.
