
Monday, August 14, 2006

In case you haven't heard about this story , this is some of the strangest news I've heard lately.
Right now in Fort Worth a Reverend Terry Hornbuckle is on trial for drugging and raping three women, two of whom were attendees at the church he founded.
Apparently, Hornbuckle is acquainted with one or two former Dallas Cowboys pro football players, and ingratiated himself to women by claiming to have been a counselor for the team.
You've just got to wonder about people. TH told Kate Jones (pseudonym) that he was brought to her to help her overcome her trust issues with men. They proceeded to smoke meth together from a crack pipe, after which he "drugged" her with a glass of water which caused her to pass out. When she awoke, she observed herself to be nude and surmised she had been interfered with sexually.

Um, excuse me, but if she willingly smoked meth with the guy, didn't she sorta drug herself? Was this her first experience with meth? Did he bring the meth and pipe, or did she produce them from her own stash? The article didn't say... I would just guess that she had enough experience with meth to know it wouldn't have caused her to pass out.

I'm not saying he's not a bastard and not a rapist. She said in the trial she didn't go forward with charges because she felt the drug use would invalidate her claim of rape, rightly so. I wonder what Maypole of illogic one has to dance around to convince themselves an ordained minister who smokes methamphetamine with them is in some way acting as an agent of God? How did things even come to that pass, to a moment in which she's lighting up with this man of the cloth? And how do people live with themselves while using a group of vulnerable people as their personal harem?

Stories like this make me wonder how the pillory ever fell into disuse.

In other astonishing news, Dallas City Council is about to enact a fake firearms ban which will ban all toy firearms in the city, because they may appear to be real weapons. Keep in mind no one has been shot by Dallas Police because of a fake firearm or a lifelike toy.
Besides, if someone is crazy/stupid enough to be waving a fake gun at the police, I'm kind of ok with the Police shooting them. Call it Darwinism and a win/win equation for the human race.
Another image that springs to mind here is a scene from a Woody Allen movie in which he carves a gun out of soap, paints it black with shoe polish, and then uses said gun to try to escape from prison. Maybe the Dallas City Council, who clearly don't have enough to do, should ban soap and shoe polish, while they are at it.

Oh, and finally, the UK tabloid The Sun is reporting that terrorists arrested in the recent airline bomb plot have included mothers of young infants who were to smuggle explosive materials and bomb components onto planes in their infants' swaddling and food/drink. I think it is perfectly understandable why a woman trapped in a cult like that would blow her baby up rather than allowing it to grow up and live under such a tyrannical belief system. Medea, indeed.


  1. I've been a critic of our defence services over mistakes in our identification of extremists. They've made a number of errors recently.

    I sent an email to my MP this morning basically saying that MI5 and the Police force had addressed many peoples lack of confidence by busting these 22 animals.

  2. Wow, ben. Do you mean in the past they've taken innocent people into custody, or that they've failed to arrest the guilty? I'm relieved British authorities were so on the ball in this case. And good for you for making your voice heard with elected representatives. I do the same thing.

  3. Oh-I have 2 agree with you! How can these women smoke this crap with a priest??? I would have a problem right there!

    How terrible 2 willingly blow up your baby! :"(
    the world is such a sad place!


  4. What, you've never smoked crack with your minister?

    There are a number of seriously screwed up people involved in that story.

  5. I hadn't seen that story about the meth-fueled priest. Wow--talk about stranger than fiction ...

    -- david

  6. starbender - Yeah, it was funny that the wheels fell off before you get to the part about him raping her. It's like "after she smoked meth with him, he drugged and raped her." Bitch got issues. Yeah, what vile construct would encourage its adherents to wantonly murder innocents including their own wee babes? What blows my mind is the same people who would defend the terrorists think it's horrible when wackos blow up abortion clinics. Some people need to be honest with themselves about their double standards when it comes to being "open minded."

    barbara - Um, yeah, 'cause good pipe technique is what I'm looking for in a minister. Why? 'cause that's how I roll.

    david amulet - Yeah, it's a riveting story, actually. I'll try to remember to report the outcome whenever the case wraps up.

  7. starbender - Yeah, it was funny that the wheels fell off before you get to the part about him raping her. It's like "after she smoked meth with him, he drugged and raped her." Bitch got issues. Yeah, what vile construct would encourage its adherents to wantonly murder innocents including their own wee babes? What blows my mind is the same people who would defend the terrorists think it's horrible when wackos blow up abortion clinics. Some people need to be honest with themselves about their double standards when it comes to being "open minded."

    barbara - Um, yeah, 'cause good pipe technique is what I'm looking for in a minister. Why? 'cause that's how I roll.

    david amulet - Yeah, it's a riveting story, actually. I'll try to remember to report the outcome whenever the case wraps up.

  8. I've been loosely watching this story. Apparently it's a case of the severly stupid and enept being led by the corrupt.
    Lock em all up.

  9. I suppose he is trying to give people religion in the speediest way possible.

  10. big dick - You summed it up perfectly. Yeah, they all need to be hauled off, I suspect.

    fuzzbox - Heavens, he's tasty and expeditious!

  11. These stories are perfect examples of how stupid people can be. I agree that while the pastor sounds like a shit, there is some accountability on her end -- like not smoking crack in the first place. If he was just as messed up as she was, then maybe it seemed consentual to him?

  12. becky - this is another of those "between two people" scenarios where we'll probably just never know. I'd say if there's that many women (4) accusing him of rape, though, he's probabaly a rapist. They all sound pretty pathetic.

  13. nongirlfriend - exactly.
