
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Today is Mother's Day. As someone who has lost 2 grandmothers in the last 10 months, I'd like to remind you to be sure to take time to appreciate your mom, aunts, grandmothers and any woman who has faithfully shepherded you through life. Life is too short, and they do so much for the young lives in their care.


  1. Yep... I lost my mom to breast cancer three years ago...

  2. Amen! I always think about my great-grandma on special days like this. Strangely I think she's with us too! We make her recipes and start making her funny noises she used to make. You never fully appreciate someone until their gone. I miss the old gal.

    Happy Mothers Day to all you ladies out there whether you're mothers or not.

  3. Very good point, since losing my mom 2 years ago I have realized how important the other women in you family are!

    Hope you have a good one :)

  4. Amen!

    Oh, and 'yay', I might well be first.

  5. Couldn't have said it better. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there.

  6. Amen to that, my dear. Let's let them know they are loved while they are still with us.

  7. Much love and happiness to you on Mother's Day:)

  8. ranger tom - I'm sorry for your loss. Moms are very dear people.

    will - thanks.

    ms. m - your great grandmother sounds adorable. Thanks for the well-wishes

    heather b - thanks - yeah, the other ladies in the family can be a real life-line in times of need

    tickersoid - sorry for the delay in posting comments - I know it's annoying

    dick - 10-4, good buddy

    barbara - *nodding*

    nugget - thanks, hon, and you too!

  9. Anonymous7:08 PM

    You are so right my blog friend, I think about it often. I have 2 80 year old grannies and consider myself very lucky to still have them.

  10. jacquie - You are blessed, hon. I'm happy for you!
