
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I am all astonishment. Katharine McPhee NOT being voted off American Idol is proof positive that you can put in the shittiest performance of everyone in the competition, including boner notes and dropping entire lines out of the song, and still not be sent home. Shi-tay, boys and girls. Absolute crap.


  1. You could see on her face that she fully expected to be going home last night. Something kinda stinks don'tcha think? I like McPhee and Chris has a career ahead of him so we shouldn't worry about him. I'm sure he'll be getting plenty of offers for record deals.

  2. Yeah, she looked totally bummed. She knew she screwed up. I think she's definitely going home next week, though, or we'll know the reason why. Yes, something stinks. Yeah, we've not seen the last of Chris, though honestly I won't be buying a cd by him, either. If something fishy happened, I'll bet Tommy Mottola had something to do with it.

  3. I can't believe that I care.
    I'm such a Taylor groupie now.

  4. dick - Taylor has SO got to win. Actually, I have a theory that the powers that be decided the two best singers - Taylor and Elliot - had to be in the final, so they got rid of Chris early so he wouldn't split the vote next week. If Katherine doesn't go home next week, well, something stinks on ice in Denmark.

  5. Yep, that show is so friggin rigged. America, if you think your votes actually matter, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn...or a snow shovel to sell you in Texas.

    I'm all for Taylor, but I think winning this thing could actually be worse for his career than losing.

  6. I like Taylor and Elliot both, but I think Elliot is a better singer. Taylor is SO a showman! It's a tough one!

  7. og - Just for that comment, we'll get a month's worth of blue northers next winter, og, as if you've brought them to Texas with you! Yup. Pretty durn rigged, I'd say. You may be right about winning Idol for Taylor.

    ms.m - Elliot is a fantastic singer, even though his voice doesn't appeal to everyone. In his way, he's got an incredibly smooth technique. Both he and Taylor are incredibly soulful, which is a bit unexpected for the final three, which usually runs to a brainless pop product. Then again, they have Kat for that, and she may just take it all.

  8. There's a weird thing with this show ... where the show itself is a weird sort of popularity contest and winning does not ensure success. "Sorry 2004" anyone?

  9. Yeah, it's getting stranger and stranger, too. I've been feeling for a while like Simon is telegraphing to the public who should go home by saying someone had the best vocal of the season or that they should go home. For this season I'm addicted, but I doubt I'll ever watch it faithfully again. This was the first and last time, I think. I'm feeling like it's soooo rigged.
