
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Early Saturday morning mum and I are off to Amarillo/Hereford where we'll be attending a memorial service and gathering of friends from mom's high school days. I'll be driving my chariot Lulu, and I've got the road music all queued up. We'll mosey around Route 66 a bit in Amarillo and go see Stanley Marsh 3's Cadillac Ranch, or Caddyhenge™, as I like to think of it. The classic cars are arrayed at exactly the same angle as the great pyramid at Cheops, whatever that means. No use poking about here for plunder - the locals corrupted the sacred site long ago. Funny to think these cadillacs all began as an all-white monument. I think it dates from 1973, though the caddys are from 1949-1962, or somesuch.

What I'm most excited about are the wacky signs dotted about Amarillo, of which I plan to take tons of pictures to bore you with here on the blog next week. Fun. On the road again. Feels like I just got back.

Maybe we'll end up at the Big Texan Steak House (home of the 72 oz steak - if you can eat it, it's free). I'll have to tell you soon about the last time I was there and one of the kids in the group tried to eat the 72 oz steak. Let's just say I have barf action photos. But we'll save that for later. Ah, dessert!

I'm hopeful I'll come back with at least one big extraordinary rusty curiosity to stick in my garden back home. There are some fabulous junk shops along the road out west. Ah, the open road - me and my mum are gonna pull a Thelma & Louise, minus the rape, murder, boozing, Brad Pitt and suicide. WOOOHOOOO!.


  1. I love junk yards, could wander about all day in them.

    I remember reading about the caddy sculptures around the time they were done. That dates me.

    Oh and yeay, Paragraphs!!!

  2. tickersoid - YAY! You were first! Let's just say that despite my love of finery, I've clocked WAAAAY more time in junk yards than I have at Neiman-Marcus. Dates you? Well, you were an avid reader as a young pup, weren't you? Ah, paragraphs - you like my writing form? Thank ye!

    nongirlfriend - Indeed. I love driving out west. My brother hates the desolation of west Texas and the panhandle, but I LOVE the vastness of it. Incredible to see. Oh, and the people out there are super-nice - some of the nicest and most unassuming people I've ever met are in that area of the country. Just regular folks. Gotta love it. I'll probably check in to the blog Sunday evening and then late Monday. We'll see. I've already scoped out a kinko's, since I'm not taking a laptop with me. Cheers, everybody!

  3. Now that sounds like a fun trip!

    Have a great time!

  4. I remember seeing the Caddyhenge in a film sometime, and never heard of it since.

    Great blog, can't believe I've missed you before.

  5. Have a great time, doll!


  6. You take road trips to some fantastic spots, I've got to tell you. But basically what you are saying is you and your mom are going to ... let's see - no rape, murder, boozing, Brad Pitt or suicide .. oh yeah, you're going to drive!
    Have fun.

  7. This column is better than Thelma and Louise. Anyday.
    You have an excellent time, you hear? I want a photo of any rusty curiousity you nab.

  8. Hey, thanks for dropping by and reading my Wendy O Blog, and mentioning her. Not a day goes by where I don't think of her.

  9. I wish I was going with you! I could use a windy, sandy, Amarillo by morning - drive ;)

  10. o.g. - Thanks - it WAS fun!

    frobisher - aw, thanks - glad you like my little slice of home-spun web. Caddyhenge is an icon of American eccentricity, and therefore extremely compelling to oddballs like myself

    cp - thanks hon! Nice to see you here

    barbara - and I started off the trip with that superb cd you made for me - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Great Stuff - 'specially that Martha Wainwright gem

    lj - thanks - I had a blast and had my way with a superb junk shop. Details and photos to follow

    what does it matter - You're welcome - in a world far too short on originality - Wendy O. Williams was a trail-blazer. You're welcome.

    kim - you need to come visit me, we'll cowboy up and head on out there. I felt sand-blasted, but it was such a fabulous time. Loved it.

    the angel - thanks for stopping by!

  11. I've always wanted to visit Caddyhenge. Will be back to visit you again. The allure of Texan landmarks and shoe talk here is intoxicating.

  12. It's a great road trip. I recommend visiting after the really hot weather is over, though, unless you like climbing into the shower nightly to wash off all the fine grit that has stuck to your sweaty body in the heat. Glad you like the landmarks, and oh, how I love shoes. Come back any time. I like your blog, too.

  13. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Love the carhenge. Sounds like a great road trip, even without Brad Pitt circa Thelma & Louise (but not now..ick)

  14. yeah, carhenge. It was a great roadtrip. wish you coulda beent here for it.
