
Monday, April 17, 2006

A meme of fours...
The immaculate Tam over at View from the Porch threw this meme my way. I've never done one of these before, even though my friend Kim at Little Somethings tagged me once a long time ago.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1.) Snow cone technician
2.) Proof operator - banking
3.) Letter sorting machine operator US Postal Service
4.) Neiman-Marcus sales (spent all my money at my job, happily so)

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1) Bladerunner - Brilliant realization of a brilliant book - no small feat
2) Withnail and I
3) The Edge
4) Enchanted April

Four websites I visit regularly:
1) Tam's View from the Porch
2) Ben's Daily Review
3) Life on Earth and Other Accidents
4) Little Somethings

Four of my favorite foods:
1) a very fine cut of beef, tender and mooing. Again I say knock its horns off and wipe its ass and I'll declare it table-ready
2) sushi
3) Grandma Smith's green beans and fried potatoes
4) Grandma Kent's buttermilk biscuits

Four most wonderful places I've been:
1) Chiracahua Canyon in SE Arizona, early in the morning as the sun warms the sages and the fragrances come alive. Enchanting
2) Monument Valley Arizona/Utah
3) Isle of Skye and the Highlands of Scotland, during the bitter cold of winter - nothing matches this desolate beauty
4) State Highway 7 in Arkansas, particularly around the town of Jasper

Four songs I could listen to every day:
1) "Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair" Nina Simone
2) "Grace" Jeff Buckley
3) "Pocket Full of Change" Rain Tree Crow
4) "Teardrop" Massive Attack

Four people I'm tagging:
1) Ian at the Bungee Venture
2) lj at Life on Earth and Other Accidents
3) nongirlfriend
4) kim at Little Somethings


  1. snow cone technician, eh? Lot of training involved in that? It sounds...scintillating.

  2. I love the term "snow cone tecnician"

  3. "1) a very fine cut of beef, tender and mooing. Again I say knock its horns off and wipe its ass and I'll declare it table-ready"

    Brilliant! Hubby collects these little beef sayings and I'll have to pass it on.

  4. nongirlfriend - I'm looking forward to it

    barbara - well, considering I worked at Neiman-Marcus, I decided "technician" sounded more high-toned than "flunky"

    heather b - Why thank ye!

    attila T M - cool - it's a good one. I live my beef as near to raw as I can persuade the chef to prepare it.

  5. We've got movie one and two in common!
    And the reading each other's blog thing.

    Thanks for the tag! Not tonight, but I'll do it. I love these - especially after four days in silence when an eeg of my brain would produce gently rolling waves with no idea blips.

  6. I don't normally do these things on my blog but I'll do it here :)

    Four jobs I have had in my life:
    1.) Accountant
    2.) Pea Factory Worker
    3.) Courier
    4.) Manager of Backpacker Hostel

    Four movies I could watch over and over:
    1) The Shawshank Redemption
    2) The Field
    3) Predator
    4) Casablanca

    Four websites I visit regularly:
    1) Wikipedia
    2) BBC News
    3) Lonely Planet
    4) All my blogger friends :)

    Four of my favorite foods:
    1) Thai food
    2) Sushi
    3) Lasagne
    4) Mexican food

    Four of the most wonderful places I've been:
    1) Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand
    2) Bryce Canyon, USA
    3) Daintree Rainforest, Australia
    4) Venice, Italy

    Four songs I could listen to every day:
    1) Hotel California by The Eagles
    2) Superstitious by Stevie Wonder
    3) Jailhouse Rock by Elvis
    4) Any Beatles Song

  7. Hey you! I think I think I all ready did this one. you know I can't pass one up ') Was it really 100+ in dallas yesterday. I told mom she could just leave her clothes here and pack only underwear and swimsuit, if that is the case ') she is headed to Dallas on Thurs night.

  8. cool - liked your meme on your blog, lj.

    ian - why doesn't it surprise me that you were a pea factory worker?

    kimmer - yeah, I thought you might have . Yeah, 100 degrees two days in a row. Sucky. Yeah, tell yer ma to bring flipflops and a coozie.
