
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

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Perhaps someday someone will 'splain me what I did wrong here. I'm thinking this is the same hiccup that produced the twin-jet wonders of Flossie yesterday. Who knows... Anyhoo, above is a video (hopefully) of John Waters demonstrating why I love him so. Well, if the link doesn't work, click HERE and watch. Like me, Waters has an endless fascination with loopily unhinged characters. The scene of Mink Stole smoking a cigarette in her iron lung in Hairspray is a classic moment of celluloid in my book. (or was that in Cry Baby? Dunno, I've slept since then). Then there's the fact that to keep people from talking to him on airplanes he always brings a copy of "Lesbian Nuns" to read, which seems to be a smalltalk killer. Anyway, here for your viewing pleasure is a reminder of how the cinema has gone downhill in the age of political correctness.


  1. Anonymous3:51 AM

    What's the theater's policy on drinking?

  2. I pissed myself laughing!

    Not really, but I did light up a smoke...

  3. I adore him too!

    Although, I ended up buying Pink Flamingos off of ebay since I couldnt find it anywhere else - whoa baby it was a doozy :)

    The night I got it I had all my friends over, mind you I had never seen it, and half way through they all looked at me like WTF???

    Oh well, it was worth it!

  4. Funny! He looks like he's really enjoying that cigarette at the expense of smokers in the theatre.

  5. lightning bug's butt - I think the drinking policy is if you can sneak it in, you can drink it. Actually, I first saw this trailer at a theater that served beer and wine

    ranger tom - for real! I don't even smoke and I wanted to light one up!

    heather b - Wow - that's bold - Pink Flamingos with the coporophagia scene is a bit of a heavy introduction to the John Waters catalog. I love you for it.

    phoenix - yeah, I think the idea that people would be jonesing for tobacco made it more pleasureable for him, definitely!

  6. Maybe it's just me, but I'd be MORE tempted to talk to somebody reading Lesbian Nuns on a plane.

  7. I'm going to have to get that book:)

  8. John Waters is who Quentin Tarantino aspires to be. I love him. I love his mind. I don't even mind that he looks oddly like Steve Buscemi. Love him.


  9. barbara - for real - I'd feel like I had found a kindred spirit!

    becky- I'll bet there are bidding wars for it on ebay

    cp - I LOVE Steve Buscemi - he's a delightful snagglepuss and a brilliant actor. LOVED him in that stinker CON AIR, which is one of my ultimate terrible/guilty pleasure films of all time.

    nongirlfriend - candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. Once I took in a hamburger and a 4-pack of Duvel. Excellent Beligian brew, that, which made the crap movie at least more tolerable.

  10. Is that Lesbian Nuns Monthly, or is it Lesbian Nuns Quarterly?
