
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

OK, kind of a crap photo, but you get an idea of how my studio is shaping up. Yes, the walls are chartreuse. Today I went to IKEA (yes, my horse knows the way to carry my chariot) and got this lovely red peanut table. How cute is that? Got my new tv & dvd player yesterday, so at long last I can stop making jewelry on the coffee table - now I just need to switch out that cable box for one with DVR feature, and I'll be in hog heaven. Plus, this will just be more comfortable anyway. I love my red sparkly-vinyl chair on casters, and the bright green walls are visual caffeine. Plus I've got lots of my favorite knick-knacky shit around the studio which keeps it out of the rest of the house. Well, not completely, but it is nice to have the inspringly wacky stuff around the work area. I told husband he'll probably be nostalgic for me making a mess on the coffee table, and he'll probably say "Ritter, would you come make some jewelry in the living room again?" Probably. That's what I'm thinking. After all, I was working on a couple necklaces a bit ago and watching Ed vs Spencer on BBC America, and he came and laid on the floor. I'll have to put in a doggie bed for the bitch, too, and maybe some throw pillows if husband is going to be hanging out on the floor. Will post more as this progresses.

I'm emailing Chris Levack to see if it's true, but I was told that the Austin artist made this shelf. It's one of my favorite things, and though you can't tell, I've got a collection of flapper-era powder boxes and compacts and chalkware nekkid half-dolls residing there. Click here to see some great sculpture by Chris Levack.


  1. Ah yes.... One of those extremely artsy-fartsy chicks whose mind can run wild and make weird stuff look like it goes together.
    Looks good so far girl.

  2. This is a very cool work room. It looks like an ad for the early 60s! Can't wait to see an up-close of the work. (And PS - I just know you're right about your husband. Hell, mine adored having to balance his plate on his lap to eat or stepping on loose seed beads in his bare feet. He especially loved it if I left the table covered for days and days. What man wouldn't adore that??)

  3. That is one cool star shaped shadowbox.

  4. That is so cute! I absolutely love that color on the walls.

  5. I didnt know you are making jewelery
    how come you dont sell it online?
    I d certainly buy somethin :)

  6. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Girl - you need to drive your butt to TN and fix me a cool room like this...I have ideas but never get around it it. I need a scrapbooking room (One day I'm going to need a 5 bedroom house just for 2 kids, us, 1 office for hubby and one hobby one!)

    I love is my story..Atlanta opened an Ikea store last year. We drove to Atlanta just so I could actually go inside one of these was pouring outside...the car que was backed up around the block, we were in line for over 2 hours and couldn't get out of the que, finally parked the car in BFE - to pouring down ran to walk so we decided to head back to the hotel and start again tomorrow. As soon as we were leaving, they opened the parking lot up again (we had been rerouted to a far away parking lot), went inside, spent HOURS and walked out with a clock!...a clock we could of gotten at Target - but it was a great time..overwelming. I look forward to returning!

  7. God, I wish I was artsy...

    Your room rocks, though the color may give me a headache after a while. Is it really that bright in person?

  8. Nice digs. You shuld consider consulting:) I have to admit that I'm seriously considering a DVR for the bedroom. Unfortunately, I can't see the living room TV from the bed...

  9. Whoa...if you can't get mentally stimulated in your studio, you are brain dead!

    That really is a very cool star shaped shadow box.

  10. dick - thanks - artsy fartsy - Yup - that's me

    ben heller - and mine is holding many thousands of beads in jars - yeah, IKEA is good for helping you make the most of space

    lj - thanks! I LOVE 60s style!

    fuzzbox - it was made by Austin artist/sculptor Chris Levack
    at least I think so - I'm going to contact him and ask him

    june cleaver's revenge - thanks! Yeah - it's such a cheerful color, woefully underused

    knight - I'll post some of my stuff online soon, and you can email me if you want .jpgs and prices. :o)

    grace - I would LOVE to do inspiration rooms for creative folks. IKEA is SUCH an addictive place, actually - I never spend a whole lot, but I've taken away some things that make everything work together SO much better

    o.g. - glad you like it - it's been fun to put together, though it's been a longer process than I expected. Actually, it looks more vivid and bracing than in the photo -it sorta makes your eyeballs buzz, if you can imagine

    becky - glad you like it, and again, I'd LOVE to help people set up a creative studio / workshop - I'm great at organizing other people's messes to work more efficiently - just not with my own

    nongirlfriend - thanks!

    phoenix - yeah, I think I've found my replacement for coffee! Glad you like the shadow box. I'll post the artist's link on the post

  11. That is the coolest room ever ... my hubby would probably shit if I did that to a room in our house.

    Then again, he may not if I didnt make him do all the painting.

    Love, LOVE the table & chair!

  12. wow, that looks great, can't wait to see it in person!

  13. IKEA is cool ... your studio is really looking awesome. Congrats.

  14. Your studio looks awesome! LOVE it!!!

  15. heather b - thanks so much! I say bend the household to your will! Thanks for the compliments. :)

    kim - I can't wait till you come here again - hurry!

    will - Ikea is a great inexpensive and quck way to dude a studio up, actually. I'm glad we finally got one here

    big pissy - thanks, hon! It's great to have my own workspace instead of having to clear away my projects when we want to have humans over to the house!
