
Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Pat's!

Had a marvelous time out with dear, evil Liz for sushi and darling wicked Lisa for lunch. I introduced Lisa to a place entirely new to her (she was smitten - for I know all the hep joints in town), and Liz and I ate little fried crabs that looked like the face-huggers from alien. Ah, sweet revenge! That dish was called Kogani Kara Age. Some of the little legs fell off, but your humble narrator is nothing if not deft with a pair of chopsticks and no amount of chitinous material was spared.

We had a marvelous sashimi Aji (Spanish Mackerel), and the waitress took the car
cass to the kitchen and fried it for us, and I got the tail fins, and Liz graciously allowed me to eat most of the head, including both eyeballs. Yum! What's the point of eating something that had a face if you don't eat the face, right?Liz had some difficulty controlling her paper chopstick wrapper, and I suggested chopstick/wrapper coupling wmv.s may be an unrealized niche online market.

The immaculate Robin Guthrie has a cd coming out in May, and you can hear a dreamy track

I understand enormous storms are in the forecast for the weekend for north Texas, and I'm going to sit doing beadwork in a much-windowed room and enjoy the display. I can't wait - LOVE LOVE lurve dreary weather. Sweet.


  1. Food.

    Big legs - Good.
    Little legs - Bad.

  2. I have never ate Spanish Mackaral but that presentation looks cool. Happy St. Pat's.

  3. That's one hell of a fish!

  4. You calling me evil? Pot. kettle...Ahem.

    But it was fun and the shoes rock. It wasn't my fault that the chopstick wrapper leapt to its death.

  5. tickersoid - damn skippy!

    fuzzbox - it's amazing, Spanish Mackerel. Yum.

    guerrilla blogger - hahahaha - that was great - "nothing says st pats day like tasty ass sushi..." - i love it!

    ian - yup. great presentation

    ben - my dad would say that's bait, and not fit for a proper meal

    nongirlfriend - hell, hon, it probably rained BECAUSE you're doing your bathroom - maybe you should have major renovations more often so we won't HAVE a drought!
