
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The good folks at Cute Overload have some incredible Jack Russell photos. My favorites: the dog paws from under the covers is a cute and familiar sight. Love the brokeleg forlorn puppy. He looks repentant. And finally, nothing in the world makes an art form of relaxing like a Jack Russell Terrier. Shameless tarts! You know I love them.


  1. Haha I'd never have notice the dog in the top pic. But the bottom one, it obviously thinks it's Marilyn Monroe :)

  2. I don't need any more sugar for the day!

    God, they are too cute, almost makes me want a puppy again.

  3. ian - that dog DOES look a might slutty! I think it's incredibly cute.

    I know, o.g. - and little jackies are the cutest, most perfect looking little dogs. Yeah, it's easy to want a puppy until you remember how needy they are. I'll just admire from the safety of a far-removed website! No little piles or puddles to clean up!

  4. awwwww...... i think we need one of those to chase the cats around!

  5. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Damn! Those ARE the cutest.

  6. Rita, your little pooch is so sweet, and that cast,,,I think I am in love! what a darling! Your blog has a new look! wow! Very colorful! Nice!

  7. Love your precious pup, I mean really am in love with him, soo sweet, and that cast! Too much.
    Nice facelift to your blog Rita! Looks great!

  8. Yeah jenny & lbb - they're obscenely cute - especially the pin-up tart on the blue sofa. Jack Russell terriers have their own remarkable brand of cuteness. At least there's a reward for putting up with all the spazziness.

    Sherry - they were at My JRT is a little old lady now, but still incredibly cute.

  9. I have a Jack Russell too. She was a rescue so I'm not sure of her age (3 or 4 probably). She is still just as cute as that puppy though. And probably just as hyper.

  10. Little Jackies are the best. They're a ferocious huge dog in a compact body, and they're fabulous cuddlers, always cute, and the game is always "ON." I adore mine. She's 14, and still going strong.

  11. So adorable!! You know, though, that God makes puppies and babies overwhelmingly adorable so we can't kill them when they misbehave!

  12. rocky - THAT is what I have ALWAYS said. we DO think alike!

  13. i too have to sleep with at least one of my feet out even if it's cold
