
Sunday, January 29, 2006

Husband and I were honored with the company of our much-beloved niece and nephew tonight. She's 9, he's 3. She's reaching that level of sophistication that everything he says induces eye-rolling in her, and she seems particularly pesky and argumentative with him lately.

We'd eaten at a great burger joint and were heading up the road to Chuck E. Cheese's when the little lad said "We're lost- we can't find Chuck E. Cheese." Thinking he was being silly, we started playing along saying yes, we were lost, probably would end up in Oklahoma or something. I suggested we drop bread crumbs out the window. Darling girl said "then the birds will eat the bread and poop it out." Little lad said "birds don't poop." The girl said "EVERYTHING poops." He said "Bowling balls don't poop."


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Wow, those are the two most wonderful children to ever exist. I'll bet they have an incredible, sexy, brilliant, smartass mama.

  2. They ARE wonderful!

    Oh, she's a smartass alright-my sissy comes learned from the best. *wink* And of course my sissy and her hubby are both much adored in our family, too.

  3. She may be at the smartass age, but he is going to be one smart kid too. He got her on that one.

  4. Yeah, he's going to be into everything. He already likes understanding how things work, taking apart and putting together things. I think he'll have a good mind for engineering - good spacial sense and grasp of abstract concepts. As for his big sis, at least she has a 6 year head-start on him.
