
Friday, July 11, 2008

Watch as something so very wrong gets wronger and wrongerer.

I LURVES this wideo. ZOMG! I think I'm ASIAN!


  1. Anonymous3:51 AM


  2. I sympathize. I can't hit that note, either.

    This part of the song, by the way? Is how Tex's friends greet each other.

  3. I remember once before I went overseas in '75 and my parents had two, Japanese, older-than-me University "homestay" students visiting at a house party. They were SO eager to talk about music, and their favorite-favorite ALL time BEST band - the infatuation was deep and strong, for The Carpenters.
    I was simply speechless and aghast.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    O M F G.... oy vey.. and mostly... OUCH...

    btw, thank god for the subtitles.

  5. OK, Phlegmmy... can YOU hit that note Riperton did? Do you even try? ;-)

    (I hated that song, btw. NOTHING would make me dive for the station-changing device quicker than the first few notes of "Loving You," back in the day... That said, I liked some of her other stuff and her end was VERY sad.)

  6. Damn, they have some fine television programming in Japan! I'd go to one of those game shows if I were there.

  7. Anonymous9:00 PM

    That wasn't Japanese television; it was Chinese (Mandarin to be exact). The Japanese would've have been way freakier, probably with the girls topless in panties while the guys are trying to take them off so they can see some coochie.

    And yeah, how about those subtitles. It's for the Cantonese folks who don't understand Mandarin.

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I love those Japanese game shows.
